It's been awhile since our last post. We had quite a break from our normal routine and therapy over the holidays. Andrew came down with the flu before the holiday break then after the break we ended up having a few snow days! It's been nice getting back on track and attending therapy twice a week again. Andrew was just getting back into his routine and getting more comfortable with therapy and then this week he caught a cold! Will this Winter NEVER end!!?? Good news is, in the next few weeks as long as he works hard and gets through his sessions without meltdowns we will be moving to hour sessions twice a week. Although he's been attending the Brain Balance Center for 2 months now, he's really only had about 5 hours total of therapy. I get asked by friends and family often about how he's doing and if we're seeing changes but we can't expect things to change so quickly.
Another wonderful thing has happened this year...our insurance plan has changed and will now pay for autism therapies for him! Unfortunately it does not apply to the Brain Balance program but we are so excited to finally get him some speech therapy and occupational therapy outside of his school day. We are working on finding the time to get him started, he's going to be one busy little boy! We can't wait to see what amazing things 2014 holds for Andrew and us!